How to manage diabetes and how do you get effected by the disease . To understand this let us tell you about the disease and it`s types.
What is type 1 diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes does not allow the body to produce any insulin to help blood sugar feed cells. The type 1 diabetes disables the bodys ability to produce insulin to help blood sugar feed cells.
A common question always appears in mind whenever we think of diabetes is “which type of diabetes is genetic.. It’s commonly thought that type 1 diabetes is possibly related to genetics or exposure to environmental factors, but its not clearly proven yet by scientists. If you have type 1 diabetes, your immune system begins to accidentally destroy insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
Type 1 diabetes occurs mostly in children and was once known as juvenile diabetes. But adults can also develop type 1 diabetes.
Health problems caused by type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes may cause major health problems and even death If it is left untreated,. Maintaining a normal blood sugar level mostly reduces health problems of type 1 diabetes, such as these conditions:
Catastrophic kidney failure
Severe nerve damage or loss of feeling in your limbs
Significant disease of the heart and blood vessels
What is type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes usually does not allow our body to properly respond to the insulin our body makes.
In type 2 diabetes, your body is still producing insulin. But some how, your body is unable to use the insulin. That means glucose is being prepared in your blood because these nutrients can’t used by cells.
Years of poor eating habits and inactivity (laziness) may result in type 2 diabetes , and it may accquired at any age . Many other risk factors can be the reson of type 2 diabetes, including:
Being 45 years old or older
Having a family history of any diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in children and younger adults. This is likely due to the popularity of poor quality processed food and the obesity.
Health problems caused by type 2 diabetes
If left untreated, type 2 diabetes can cause great damage to the body. Complications caused by type 2 diabetes may develop slowly but can become life-threatening overtime. Conditions caused by untreated type 2 diabetes include:
Alzheimer’s disease
Eye disease, such as cataracts and glaucoma, possibly leading to blindness
Hearing problems
Slow healing of cuts and infections, possibly leading to amputation of severely damaged toes, feet or legs
The similar symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms are nearly same . However, type 1 diabetes, shows symptoms quickly . type 2 diabetes, probably doesn’t shows any noticeable symptoms during the prediabetic period. However, symptoms will slowly begin to feel.
The list of symptoms for both types of diabetes includes:
Feeling extremely tired
Feeling overly thirsty and hungry
Having blurry vision
Having cuts, sores and infections that take a long time to heal
Making more trips to the bathroom to urinate
With type 1 diabetes, you’ll likely also lose weight without trying. You may feel irritable and have other mood changes, too. For type 2 diabetes, you might have tingling, pain or numbness in your hands and feet.
Treatments for diabetes
If you think you might have diabetes, schedule an appointment with your primary care provider right away. A series of blood tests will diagnose both types of diabetes. Both types of diabetes also require basic treatment and nutritional management but the treatments differ.
The treatment for type 1 diabetes includes injecting insulin several times a day to keep your blood sugar levels at a healthy range. Eating lower carb foods and exercising will also help you stay healthy.
The treatment for type 2 diabetes focuses on a dramatic change in eating and exercise habits. Medications for type 2 diabetes are available, and more options are in development